The Peace Process
A step by step process to deal with the distressing memories/emotions from your past that still affect you today
What is personal peace?
It’s when you are free from internal disturbances; free from fighting with yourself and free from internally fighting with memories from the past. It can also be a sense of inner harmony with other people where you have ceased to fight with them in your mind. There is also the physical aspect of your body being at peace.
Is peace of mind possible?
Yes, though it may take some solid work and time to get there. It’s worth it. It’s your natural resting state when interference has been dealt with.
What does peace feel like?
It’s different for different people and depends on what is causing the lack of peace. For some it means that for the first time in a long time, the noise in their head is quiet and they experience ‘seeing’ or ‘thinking’ clearly. For others their body feels at peace as long held tension has been released. For some it means they feel content and able to go to sleep at the end of their day.
When you go through the peace process, it’s really important to figure out what it means for you to live at peace so you know where you are heading.
What does a life characterised by peace look like?
A peaceful life is one where you get really smart about which battles you pick and have the power to walk away from or diffuse the ones that used to bring you down. It’s one where you live from your sense of inner peace regardless of external circumstances. For some people it means making some strong decisions about the people who get to be close to them.
Does personal peace affect the people around you and the decisions you make?
Yes. Living life from a peaceful centre tends to mean that you think more clearly and ‘see’ others more clearly. This means you make better decisions, have more harmonious relationships and enjoy the people in your life more.
What to expect:
Your Timeline
Before or during the first session, whichever is easier for you, we will go through a timeline of your history and indicate the times where the memories that distress you occurred. This is a simple process that requires as little or as much talking as you are comfortable with. Some clients like to simply indicate, in example, that something happened with a certain person when they were 5, make a mark on their timeline and move to the next memory.
Unhelpful Emotions
We will also identify which emotions you experience on a day-to-day basis or cyclically that you find unhelpful and discuss ways to regulate these emotions to decrease their intensity and frequency. As part of this process we also look at emotions you would like to experience more on a day-to-day basis, such as peace, and ways to increase their intensity and duration.
Duration of Therapy
Together we will discuss a suggested number of sessions that will enable the re-processing of the memories you have indicated on your timeline. This is different for each person depending on their history and current life circumstances.
Many people find that immediately after sessions they feel more peaceful and the memories worked on are no longer distressing. In addition to this it is usual to find that even months after the sessions have finished that they are noticing more and more improvement in their emotions, that feeling peace regarding their past has become more normal and they have an increased ability to deal with day to day life. This is due in part to the way the brain encodes distressing memories and the helpful cascade affect of changing this encoding.
Get in touch
If this process sounds like it would be helpful for you, whether for one memory or for many, then please do get in touch using this form.